
All tenders, prepared by the General Commissioners office in connection with the preparation of Czech participation at the General World Exposition EXPO in Dubai 2020, will be published on this page.

A public contract is, pursuant to § 7 of the Code of Public Procurement, a contract concluded on the basis of an agreement concluded between the contracting authority and one or more suppliers, the object of which is the provision of supplies or services in return for payment or the performance of constructions for consideration. The public contract, which the contracting authority is obligated to write out based on the Code of Public Procurement., must be realised on the basis of a written contract.

The Contracting Authority is the Office of the General Commissioner of Czech participation at the General World Exposition EXPO, on whose behalf the General Commissioner is acting, in accordance with its Statute and the Organizing Regulations. The General Commissioner, from the position of the statutory body of the KGK, announces the public tenders for supplies, services or works which are the subject of performance of the public contract, he also names the evaluation committee makes all decisions during the tender procedure, in particular the decision to open the award procedure, the exclusion of the tenderer, the selection of the most appropriate tender, the cancellation of the award procedure, the signing of the contract and its addenda.


Tender for the operator of the restaurant in the Czech pavilion

6. 8. 2018

Tender for the developer of the national pavilion

16. 2. 2018