Czech participation at the Universal Exposition EXPO 2015 MILANO
1. 5. – 31. 10. 2015

Feeding the planet,
energy for life

EXPO 2015

EXPO 2015 will be an extraordinary universal event displaying tradition, creativity and innovation in the business of food. It will bring together many themes that have already been handled by this event in the past, and set them out anew in light of new global possibilities whose common core is the idea that everyone on the planet should have access to food that is healthy, safe and sufficient.

Workshop and debate themes include

  • Improving food quality and security: the security of having enough food to live on, and an assurance that the food is healthy and the water drinkable
  • Ensuring healthy and high-quality nutrition for all human beings, doing away with the hunger, drought, infantile mortality, and malnutrition that still afflict 850 million people on this planet, and extirpating famine and pandemic disease
  • Preventing the new epidemics and diseases of our time, including obesity, cardiovascular disease, and cancer, by championing practices that have proven to be effective
  • Promoting innovation in research, technology, and business practices along the entire food supply chain to improve the nutritional value, conservation, and distribution of foods
  • Providing education in proper nutrition and encouraging more healthy lifestyles, especially among children, adolescents, the disabled, and the elderly
  • Enhancing the value of cultural and ethnic heritage as expressed in culinary traditions

Expo 2015: the frontiers of science and technology

  • The preservation of biodiversity, protecting the environment as agriculture’s ecosystem, safeguarding food quality, safety, and reliability, and educating people in nutrition for health and personal well-being
  • Identifying the best tools for monitoring, control, and innovation (starting with forms of biotechnology that do not threaten the environment or health), so as to ensure the availability of healthy, nutritious food and water that is safe for drinking and irrigation
  • Securing new dependable sources of food in parts of the world afflicted by famines, where agriculture is under-developed or threatened by deforestation, desertification, or drought, or where inland and marine fish stocks are dwindling. Expo 2015: a world of opportunities for promotion and communication